一、Do set the essential rules for the meeting early.必须尽早制定会议的基本规则。
二、Do make introductions to each other at the very beginning of the meeting.会议一开始必须作自我介绍。
三、Do start the meeting absolutely on time.电话会议时间必须非常准时。
四、Do treat the conference call as if you talk to someone face to face at a meeting.把电话会议看作是面对面的沟通。本文发表于博锐|boraid| 五、Do identify your point clearly when you speak.电话会议时一定要清楚的表明自己的观点。
六、Do express your appreciation when your speech is over.发言结束后一定要向参会者表示感谢。
一、Don’t use cell phone or dial phone during the conference meeting.绝对避免在进行电话会议时使用手机或打电话
二、Don’t interrupt with counter arguments.避免打断与自己观点不同人的发言。
三、Don’t make any noise like shuffling papers; scraping chairs, tapping pencils, humming or other distraction.会议期间避免有任何噪音。
四、Don't leave the door wide open. If you want a response to the last thing you have said, try not to say, and “Any comments?"明确会议结束,避免给参会者模糊概念。