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来源:   2011-11-13 16:00:15【 】             影响指数             

When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce. 作为一名新员工,你会想建立一个好名声,如果你是刚加入某行业,...

When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce.ePG3158创业网


Below are several tactics that should complete your game plan for winning favor and starting a good foundation for your career.ePG3158创业网


Earn Respect Before a Special RequestePG3158创业网


Life sometimes gets in the way of everything, including work. On occasion you may need to ask your boss for an extra privilege -- but it's best not to do so straight out of the gate.ePG3158创业网


Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach and owner of HallieCrawford.com, agrees. She says, "This generation has been pegged as one that expects everything up front at the beginning. That's not always accurate, but new graduates should remember that they'll have to pay their dues before they can have it all."ePG3158创业网

HallieCrawford网站老板、获得认证的职业教练 Hallie Crawford也认同这个观点。她说:“人们认为这代年轻人希望一开始就能得到一切。也许这句话不是很准确,但是应届毕业生应该记住在能得到一切之前,他们需要先做出贡献。”ePG3158创业网

She recommends adhering to company policies and endearing yourself to your boss before asking for flexibility. "You want to prove that you perform well and it's worth it to keep you content," reveals Crawford. So, if your hours are nine to five, make sure you're at your desk at nine and at least until five. Down the road, after you've demonstrated your reliability and value to your boss, you may be able to negotiate more flexibility in your arrival and departure times or lunch hour or take a vacation before you're technically due one.ePG3158创业网


When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce.ePG3158创业网


Below are several tactics that should complete your game plan for winning favor and starting a good foundation for your career.ePG3158创业网


Tackle Something Without Being AskedePG3158创业网


One of the best ways to gain the gratitude of your supervisor is showing initiative. "So many people get into a new job and think their supervisors are going to say, 'This is exactly what I expect you to do.' But this isn't school. You're not going to get clear-cut homework assignments. You have to ask, 'What can I help with?' or you can just dive into a task," shares Crawford, whose practice is based in Atlanta.ePG3158创业网


She recommends taking on a project that everyone is avoiding. Perhaps the supply closet is a shambles. Or there's a major backlog at an important filing cabinet. Maybe an important database is woefully out of date. Put in a few extra minutes each day so your pet project doesn't interfere with your primary responsibilities. When you're done, you'll have won your boss's admiration and your coworkers' gratitude. "You have to step up if you want to get ahead," states Crawford.ePG3158创业网


When you're a new hire, you want to establish a good reputation, and that's especially true if you're a new professional in the workforce.ePG3158创业网


Below are several tactics that should complete your game plan for winning favor and starting a good foundation for your career.ePG3158创业网


Offer Opinions With TactePG3158创业网


You've been hired because your boss and others at the company saw promise in you and your skills. Your opinion is valuable to the organization's growth and future. However, remember to offer it up gently and with respect. Crawford reminds new grads, "Blurting out things as if you're a seasoned consultant isn't the best approach. It's great that you have a fresh perspective, but you need to present it in the right way."ePG3158创业网


Rather than inquiring why something is done a certain way, ask if management has ever considered doing it another way. Suggesting a new process rather than questioning a current one highlights your forward thinking without insulting your boss's or the company's approach. "You don't want to come off as a know-it-all," she says.ePG3158创业网

不要问为什么某件事情是按某个方式进行的,而应该问管理者有没有考虑过用另一个方式。 建议一个新流程而不是质疑现有的流程,这能展现你的前瞻思考并且不会批评老板或公司的做法。她说:“你不会希望给人们留下什么都懂的印象。”ePG3158创业网

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